6 Fitness Specializations You Should Consider

Before choosing a fitness industry specialization, it’s important to consider the many different avenues available to you, as well as which one best fits your personality and career goals. With so many specializations out there, it can be hard to know where to start or which path to take; this article outlines five of the most popular fitness specializations that could be right for you.

1. Certified Nutrition Coach Certification (NASM-CNC)

Have the fitness industry figured out the best ways to help their clients meet their fitness goals? Then you might be interested in becoming a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC). CNCs are certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) to serve as nutrition specialists in the health and fitness industry, which can help clients make better informed decisions about their food choices.

2. Certified Sports Nutrition Coach (NASM-CSNC)

If you’re thinking about taking your career to the next level by serving as a nutrition coach for athletes and other active individuals, then a Certified Sports Nutrition Coach (CSNC) certification may be right for you. CSNCs are certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) to serve as sports nutrition specialists in the health and fitness industry, which can help athletes make better informed decisions about their food choices.

3. Certified Wellness Coach (NASM-CWC)

Who doesn’t want to be a wellness coach? Specifically, a Certified Wellness Coach (CWC). CWCs are certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) to serve as wellness coaches in the health and fitness industry, with a particular focus on weight management. CWCs helps clients make food choices that will help them feel better about their bodies and improve their overall health.

4. Stretching And Flexibility Coach (NASM-SFC)

Are you looking to specialize in educating and helping others achieve their stretching and flexibility goals? Then a Stretching And Flexibility Coach (SFC) certification may be right for you. SFCs are certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) to serve as specialists in the health and fitness industry, with a particular focus on stretching and flexibility. SFCs help clients achieve their stretching and flexibility goals through goal setting, education, progression, and feedback.

5. Weight Loss Specialization (NASM-WLS)

Are you looking to specialize in helping others achieve their weight loss goals? Then a Weight Loss Specialization (WLS) certification may be right for you. WLSs are certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) to serve as specialists in the health and fitness industry, with a particular focus on weight loss. WLSs help clients achieve their weight loss goals through goal setting, education, progression, and feedback.

6. Senior Fitness Specialization

As you get older, you may be more interested in staying active instead of simply getting exercise. If that’s the case, consider specializing in Senior Fitness. A Senior Fitness Specialist (SFS) is certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) to serve as specialists in the health and fitness industry, with a particular focus on working with seniors.

Choosing a fitness industry specialization can be a great way to pursue your career and help others reach their goals. By doing so, you will become an expert in your chosen field and make yourself a highly sought-after asset to the professional fitness industry.